Permanent Residency in Uruguay

Assistance with Obtaining Permanent Residency in Uruguay

Obtaining permanent residency in Uruguay can be done relatively quickly - currently, it takes about a year on average. The most crucial factor affecting the processing time for permanent residency is providing a complete set of documents and timely responses to migration office inquiries. We have extensive experience in legalizing foreigners in Uruguay and guide our clients through the entire process of obtaining permanent residency, ensuring the quickest approval of Uruguay's permanent residency.

List of Required Documents for Permanent Residency Application

To apply for permanent residency in Uruguay, you need the following list of documents:
  • Passport
  • Apostilled birth certificate (for children and adults)
  • Apostilled marriage certificate
  • Apostilled divorce certificate (in certain cases)
  • Apostilled police clearance certificate
  • Income certificate
  • Vaccination certificate
  • 3x4 photo
  • Health certificate
  • School records for children

You can start the process of obtaining permanent residency with your passport and vaccination certificate, even without the other documents in hand. You will be issued a "sedula" (ID card) for 2 years, which corresponds to a temporary residency permit.

Appointment for Submitting Permanent Residency Documents

You can schedule a consultation with us and arrange to submit your documents to the migration office. Alternatively, you can schedule an appointment yourself through Uruguay's official website, paying a fee of around $90. However, at the moment, the fee can only be paid through local payment systems, so for pre-booking from abroad, you can use our relocation package assistance.

What is a "Sedula"?

A "sedula" is an identification card in the form of a plastic card. It reflects your status of stay in Uruguay. When you apply for permanent residency, you receive the initial "sedula," which states "Residencia en tramite" (residency under process). This sedula is often referred to as a temporary residency permit or a permanent residency permit. Within 1-2 years, your status will change, and you will be issued a new sedula indicating "Residencia legal" (permanent residency). Then, after 3 years for families and 5 years for singles (counted from the date of obtaining the first sedula, not permanent residency), you can apply for Uruguayan citizenship. Once you obtain citizenship, your sedula will state "Cuidadano Legal" (legal citizenship).

Prices for Our Service Packages

The price is per adult. Children under 16 receive a 50% discount.

To receive consultation on obtaining permanent residency in Uruguay, you can:

  • Contact us via Telegram or WhatsApp.
  • Send us an email. We will respond to you promptly and propose suitable options.