Education in Uruguay

The education system in Uruguay is one of the most developed and inclusive in Latin America. The country strives to provide quality education for all its citizens, from early childhood to higher education.

General Structure of the Education System in Uruguay

The education system in Uruguay is divided into several levels: preschool, primary, secondary, and higher education. Education is compulsory for children aged 4 to 17 and free for all citizens.

Preschool Education in Uruguay

Preschool education is for children aged 4 to 5 years. The main goal is to prepare children for primary school through the development of basic skills and social abilities. Uruguay has many kindergartens, both public and private, offering various programs and teaching methods.

Primary Education

Primary education starts at the age of 6 and lasts for 6 years. The focus is on reading, writing, mathematics, and natural sciences.

Secondary Education

Basic secondary education lasts for 3 years and aims to expand the knowledge acquired in primary school and prepare students for high school.

Upper secondary education also lasts for 3 years. During this period, students can choose between academic and technical education tracks.

Higher Education

Higher education in Uruguay is provided by universities and other educational institutions offering undergraduate, master's, and doctoral programs.

Some of the leading universities and institutes include:

  • University of the Republic (Universidad de la República, UDELAR) – the largest and oldest university in Uruguay, offering a wide range of programs in various fields of knowledge.
  • Catholic University of Uruguay (Universidad Católica del Uruguay, UCU) – a private university known for its programs in business, engineering, and social sciences.
  • ORT Uruguay University (Universidad ORT Uruguay) – a private university offering programs in technology, business, and design.
  • University of Montevideo (Universidad de Montevideo, UM) – a private university providing high-quality education in various disciplines, including law, business, and technology.

Universities in Uruguay are known for their high level of education and diverse programs, including engineering, medical, humanities, and many other fields.

Professional Courses and Preparatory Programs

Types of Courses

Professional courses and preparatory programs offer training in various specialties and professions, allowing individuals to improve their qualifications and enhance their competitiveness in the labor market.

Popular Directions and Institutions

Among the popular directions of professional education in Uruguay are information technology, business, design, and many others.

Use of Technology in Education

Plan Ceibal

Plan Ceibal, launched in 2007, aims to integrate information and communication technologies (ICT) into the educational process through the distribution of laptops to students and the use of online resources.

Online Resources and Distance Learning

There are adaptive online learning platforms, such as CREA2 and PAM, which help teachers and students adapt to new technologies and teaching methods.

How We Can Help

We assist our clients with placements in institutes, schools, kindergartens, and Spanish language courses. As part of our service packages, we can find an educational institution near your home, according to your budget.